State the Differences between the Testing of a program and Debugging of a program in programing language?

What are the differences between testing and debugging in programing language?

Testing of a program

  • The testing is the term in a program that the program is to be sure for the desire output.
State the Differences between the Testing of a program and Debugging of a program in programing language?
  • The testing a program is the process to validate the program after the testing.
  • The testing a program is the process confirms a program is completely executable without any problem in the program.
  • The tested program is able to perform all functions included in the program.
  • In this process the variable and their parameters, arguments etc. are all sets in a proper situation or placed in the program.

Debugging of a program

  • Debugging of a program is the process to confirm the error completely removed from the program.
  • Debugging of a program is process to complete the scan temporarily from error.
  • Debugging of a program is the process works for the program during the testing of a program.
  • You can debug the program in the incomplete situation of the program.
  • After debugging the program the program may be possible to find the error in future.
  • The debugging of a program is in subsequent execution of a program may be uncover extra errors in the program and we need to restart the debugging the process for find the errors.


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