How to write a program using case sensitive variables with a new equation of adding three variables then divided by two?

What do you understand by the case sensitive variable with a new equation of program, the equation is D= (a+b+c)/2 for calculating input of variable in dynamic program?

Introduction of the program adding three variable is divided by two

The program calculates the equation by giving some variable value. The value of the variable will apply when the output screen will come after compiling the program. The equation of the program is adding three variables divided by two. The program type is a dynamic for applying the value of a variable during output.

What do you understand by the case sensitive variable with a new equation of program, the equation is D= (a+b+c)/2 for calculating input of variable in dynamic program?

The output of the program is the same as the previous post for example...

If you are giving the value of "a" variable is 2 and values of "b" and "c" are 3 and 5 respectively then the sum of these 10 is divided by 2 two according to the equation then the output is 5. 

Remember in this program the data type is "int" integer has been used. The program doesn't give the output in decimal numbers.

Note :- the equation uses only the parenthesis type of bracket.

What are the components of the program of adding three variable is divided by two?

The program included integer data type that stores value type in digits or a number for every variable. In this program body there are three printf statements added for taking an input of every variable in a program where the input statement scanf is used to take input value of variables. The last printf statement is used to print the value of result which is calculated by the equation of as mentioned in the program after output and input statements above the get character statement in the program. In the program the case sensitive variable is used after declaring the data type, the case sensitive variable is “D” as mentioned above.  


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