Monday, March 22, 2021

Discuss about testing and debugging in the programing language

What do you mean by testing and debugging in the programing language?


Testing is the process to test or to check the program written in code editor and observe that the result as desirable output or intended task performed by the program.

You can test the program by the compiler also you can use to apply interpreter on the program to check step by step and complete testing deeply.

In another words “Checking the program in a code editor to perform a intended tasks or desire output from the program is called testing.” It is other definition of testing of the program.


When you compile a program and suddenly you got a bug from program where the bug is called an error in the program. If you detect a bug and correct the bug from the program then this is called debugging in the programing.

In another words “Detecting an error then correcting the error from the program is called debugging” it is a simple definition of the debugging of program.

In a simple way you can check error and solve them from the program is called debugging of the program. 

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