Tuesday, March 2, 2021

What do you mean by programing language?

How do you understand by the programming language?

First to we know about the topic of “How understand by the language?” Or What does a programming language mean?

The language is communication medium of person to person. The people learn the language who developed by the peoples for their communicate system. A simple example is English is a common language to necessary speak for word wide community.

Another basic example is if the student says: “I am a student of Class A”. Then the teacher will understand “he is a student of class A”. In this communication there are two different perspectives between teacher and student conversation.

Student confirm to the teacher by the speaking the English language and said “I am a student of class a”.

And the teacher will confirm that the class of this student is “a”. In this case of computing performance the student gives the instruction to the teacher and teacher compile these instructions understand what the student is said.

Here is the English language is programmed by the peoples who speaks and understand their language. So, it is a language that the combinations of alphabets are the language. Which has their tenses, clause, word meaning etc.

Technically Introduction to programing language in computer system computation?

The programing language is the medium of the computer peripheral devices and human.

It is the communication between the devices to gives the instruction to do their particular program for desirable output. 

The programming language is also do the device can perform their particular tasks.

The programming language compute the programs through the compiler software. 

The interpreters are takes some time in the compilation of the program because the interpreter take one by one or line by line steps to compile the statement in the program.

What is a Program in C Language on a Computer System?

In the C programming language, a program is a set of instructions written in C code that defines the logic and behavior of a software application. A program in C typically consists of functions, variables, control structures (such as loops and conditional statements), and other elements that work together to perform specific tasks when executed.

When a C program is compiled, the source code written by the programmer is translated into machine code that can be understood and executed by the computer’s processor. This machine code carries out the operations specified in the program, interacting with system resources and data to achieve the desired functionality.

C programs are commonly used for various purposes, including system software development, application programming, and embedded systems design. They can range from simple command-line utilities to complex operating systems components or network drivers. Due to its efficiency and low-level capabilities, C is often chosen for tasks that require direct interaction with hardware or high performance.

In C language, a program is a set of instructions that are compiled and executed on a computer system to perform a specific task or set of tasks. A C program consists of:

1. Source code: Written in C language, this is the human-readable form of the program.

2. Compiler: A program like `gcc` that translates the source code into machine code.

3. Object code: The compiled machine code that the computer's processor can execute.

4. Executable file: The object code is packaged into an executable file that can be run on the computer.

When a C program is executed, it:

What is a Program in C Language on a Computer System?,When a C program is executed, it:

1. Loads into memory

2. Executes the instructions sequentially

3. Performs operations, calculations, and interactions with the computer system

4. Produces output or results

5. Terminates when complete

C programs can perform various tasks, such as:

- Data processing and analysis

- System administration and management

- Game development

- Network communication

- Scientific simulations

- Embedded system programming

The program is used to compute the input values and provide the output data using the variables declared their values by the input resources on the application software on the computer system.

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