What is the procedure of problem solving in some steps?

How to solve the problem with procedure of some steps?

What is the procedure of problem solving in some steps?

Introduction of problem solving procedure

The problem solving is a step of basic and sequential method procedure to get the result in a pure and accurate form. If the procedure is good but the result is 90 % so that the problem is 10 % remains without accuracy of 100%. It is necessary to determine the result of problem is in the form of 100 percent accuracy.

There are few steps to solve the problem following below:-

  • Consider the problem and make a list of problems.
  • Construct the chart of input and output in a layout design method.
  • Create a programing technique to solve the problem which is called processing system.
  • Now, select an input to test in the processing system which you had created early step.
  • If the result is in the 100 % percent accuracy with your desirable output then your problem will solved.


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