How to solve the equation of the addition of two rational numbers when x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to z by using C programming language?

How to solve the equation of the addition of two rational numbers when x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to z by using C programming language? 

Introduction of program of addition of two rational numbers when x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to z variable covers topic are following listed below

  • What is the interface of a program of 'x' by 'y' plus 'a' by 'b' is equal to 'z' in the C language programming?

  • Which type of equation has been used in this program?

  • How to solve the equation manually by hand and understand the equation?

  • Which type of data type is used in this program when x by y plus a by b is equal to z?

  • How many variables are used in this program of addition of two rational numbers?

  • Image reference of the program where x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to 'z' variable

  • Image reference of the rational equation of program both types of the format of equation

  • Image reference of the program output interface of x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to 'z' variable

What is the interface of a program of 'x' by 'y' plus 'a' by 'b' is equal to 'z' in the C language programming?

In this program you can see the structure of the program. In the program the standard input output header file uses with pre-processor director "#" included in the first line. In the second line you can see the console input and output header file used for consoling the program input and output functions. Now in the next line you can "void main ()" for a bulk value. In the next line you can see "clrscr ()" . This function is used to clear the screen of the output interface of the program when you are accessing the output interface after running the program. Now in the next line the curly braces "{" are used to start the program of the main body in which you can type main parts and functions. In the next line you can see the data type is declared with some variables. In the next line "printf" output statement is used for giving an output line which you will have to see in the output interface when you are running the program. In the program the "scanf" input statement is used to take values of variables for processing and calculate their value to provide a final output from the program. After taking the values of variables you can see the equation of rational type. The base of the equation is the addition of two rational numbers equal to the 'z' variable. Now in the next line again the "printf" is used to print the function value in the particular variable which is known as 'z' in the program. Then the 'getch()' is used to show the output interface on the monitor screen of the program. After the 'getch()' function the curly brace "}" is used to close the main body of the program.

Which type of equation has been used in this program?

In the program, the equation is used to solve the problem by the expression of the equation format. It depends which type of equation has been used in the program. In the program the type of the equation is the addition of two rational numbers where 'x' is divided by 'y' plus 'a' is divided by 'b' is equal to 'z'.

You can type this equation in two formats.

First format of the equation is z = (x/y + a/b).

In this equation there are two parentheses "()" has been used in this format.

Second format of the equation is z = (x/y) + (a/b).

In this equation there are four parentheses that have been used in this format.

Both types of equation format are different but their results from these formats are the same in the program.

How to solve the equation manually by hand and understand the equation?

There are two types of formats of equations to solve the problem.

From the first format you can put the digit as your requirements in the equation of z = (x/y + a/b).

Suppose x = 3, y = 2, a = 3, and b = 2. Then the equation is performed as z = ( 3/2 + 3/2) = ( 1.5 + 1.5 ) = 3.

From the second format you can put the digit as your requirements in the equation of z = (x/y) + (a/b) = (3/2) + (3/2) = (1.5) + (1.5) = 3.

In both conditions of formats the answer or results are the same.

You can check the equation of these formats by putting different digits and you will get the same results.

Which type of data type is used in this program when x by y plus a by b is equal to z?

In the program without data type of variables, the program isn't possible to run after compilation. 

In this program in both the conditions of the equation there is 
the same data type that can be used to solve the problem, 
the data type is the "float data type" for all the variables used in this program. 

Why is the float data type used in this program?

In this program, the float data type is dependent on the equation used in this program because the equation is a rational type of numbers included so the rational numbers provide decimal digits form and the float data type is used for decimal digits or numbers.

How many variables are used in this program of addition of two rational numbers?

In the program there are five variables used in the program. These variables are known as global variables, the global variables used over the main body program portion. These variables are x, y, a, b and z where x, y, a and b are used to take values which are entered by the program user during output interface on the monitor and the z variable is used to take a value of final result or output according to a rational type equation. Variables are an important part of the program which is used to provide a space for including value by the user.

How to solve the equation of the addition of two rational numbers when x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to z by using C programming language?

Image reference of the program where x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to 'z' variable

The image of the program, the program has been completely written above in the image. There are two types of equations that can be used in this program. You can use both types of equation format and you will get the same results.

How to solve the equation of the addition of two rational numbers when x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to z by using C programming language?

Image reference of the rational equation of program both types of the format of equation

In the image you can see there both types of equation format have been solved by putting some in the equations. Such as x is equal to 3 and y is equal to 2, similarly a is equal to 3 and b is equal to 2. In both the conditions of the formats you can see the results are the same.

How to solve the equation of the addition of two rational numbers when x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to z by using C programming language?

Image reference of the program output interface of x is divided by y plus a is divided by b is equal to 'z' variable

In the image you can see the output interface of the program in addition to two rational numbers is equal to the 'z' variable. These output statements are used for asking the values of x, y, a and b to provide the value to 'z' variable which is the final result of the program.


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