Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What do you understand by the program structure in "C" Programming language?

What do you mean by program structure in “C” Programing language?

The program is the main part of the applications and database management system. It is necessary to consider the basic structure of the program in “C” programing language. There are some past to be understand their meaning about in the program structure.

What do you understand by the program structure in "C" Programming language?


It is the first line or statement written in the text form.

It is written in the special symbol such as forward slash and asterisk.

It is used to write about the program parts and what the functions are used for.

Preprocessor Directive

It treats the file to include in the program.

It is the first character have non- whitespace in the program.

Header file

This is the header file in the program that takes standard input output in the program.

The header files are written in the form of “<filename.h>”.


It is the main body of the program which you here to write the program with using functions etc.

In this program's body you can write all your creativity with conceptual or logical statements.


The output is the final desire result from the program which you had created. It is an output that gives you after run the program or compile the program.

The output is a value that is processed by the compiler on the integrated development software which is used to develop the program and application software. So the output is a valuable data which is used for the user to use it in the other form and uses.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

What do you understand by keyword in "C" programing language?

What are the keywords in the “C” programing language?

Keywords in "C" programing language

  • Keywords are the special words in a program that works a specific task to the whole program.
  • It is also called reserved words.
  • The reserved words that predefine by the compiler you have purchase or download.
  • Reserved words means that store or reserve a specific function for the whole program and when you apply in the program it works as globally or locally on the variable.
  • Keywords can effects the program as dynamic program or constant result.
  • It can increase the value of the variable which you had placed above your program’s statements. Such as you can place integer for “int” and then you can use “long” in the declare line statement of the program structure.
  • It may be called data type in the program.
  • There are approximately 31 keywords in the “C” programing language.

Monday, March 29, 2021

What do you understand by the variable in the "C" programing language?

What are the variables in the “C” programing language?


  • Variables are the name.
  • It connects to the storage location in the main memory of the computer system.
  • Variables hold data in the program.
  • The value of the variables can be changed into the program during execution of the program.
  • After you declare in a program then you can place the value of the variable.
  • Variable makes a dynamic program because the value can be change during execution of the program and get the result.
  • Variable can holds constant value in the program and get quick result or an output of the program after compile and execution of the program.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

What do you understand by Identifiers in programing C Language?

What are the identifiers in “C” programing language?


  • Identifiers are the program elements.
  • It can be name of object in the program.
  • It can take different values but one value at time can take in the program during compiling the program.
  • Identifiers are in the form of such as variables, functions and arrays etc.
  • The value of the identifier cannot be changed during execution of the program.
  • If the value of identifiers is integer type value such as ‘a int’ data type then you cannot change during execution of the program in C language.
  • You can use the write the identifier with underscore sign (_).For example “input_process_output”.

Friday, March 26, 2021

What do you understand by Character set in the "C" programing Language ?

What are the character sets in programing language in C Language?

  • Character set is a valid character of language for their recognizing.
  • The character set in C included upper case and lower characters of alphabets.
  • It is included special character and digits.
  • Characters set also included White space.
  • They can be source characters set in C language.
  • Character set are also an execution characters or Escape Sequence.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

What do you understand by documentation of a programing language?

What do you mean by documentation in concept of programing language?

The Documentation

  • The documentation is a collection of record in a historical form.
  • It involves storing of a record in a history.
  • It is an organization of a historical record.
  • It can be maintaining a record of history in software system.
  • It can be prepared between different phases of a system development.
  • The documentation is a continue process in a programing.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Discuss about testing and debugging in the programing language

What do you mean by testing and debugging in the programing language?


Testing is the process to test or to check the program written in code editor and observe that the result as desirable output or intended task performed by the program.

You can test the program by the compiler also you can use to apply interpreter on the program to check step by step and complete testing deeply.

In another words “Checking the program in a code editor to perform a intended tasks or desire output from the program is called testing.” It is other definition of testing of the program.


When you compile a program and suddenly you got a bug from program where the bug is called an error in the program. If you detect a bug and correct the bug from the program then this is called debugging in the programing.

In another words “Detecting an error then correcting the error from the program is called debugging” it is a simple definition of the debugging of program.

In a simple way you can check error and solve them from the program is called debugging of the program. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

What do you understand by loader in programming language?

What do you mean by loader in programming language?

  • Loader is a kind of program that loads the machine codes.
  • It is a machine codes of a program that loader loads in the computer system memory.
  • The loader accepts the program in an absolute form.
  • It is also accepts in a relocate form.
  • The loader supply loads the program into the system memory in an absolute format which is in the right instructions addresses format and data also are supplied by the programmer by the programming language editor.
  • The loads the program into the system memory before the program loads into the system memory the locater assigns the absolute specific address of the program to loads in the system memory.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

An Introduction of ‘linker' in the programing language.

What is linker? What is linker programing language?

  • A linker is a program that links one program to another program.
  • Linker can help to make a major program in application development in computer for specific task.
  • Liker links the module to module to make better performance of an application system.
  • In case when developing the application or data structure programs the subroutines are generally uses in the programs linker links together.
  • The linker links can also the subroutine with the main program.
  • Linker links the machine codes also for the programs.

When you writing a program in the editor then the compiler produce the machine codes to the program which you are writing in that case the linker links the machine codes to your program which has written in the editor by you. This procedure is called linking of linker.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How do you understand by the meaning of flowcharts in the programming language?

What do you mean by the flowcharts in the programming system?

The flowcharts in the programing system

  • A flowchart is a pictorial representation of the program.
  • It is also called graphical representation.
  • It shows the sequences of functions of the program.
  • It shows the starting of the program.
  • The flowcharts end up the action of the program where you can finish the program.
  • The flowcharts visualize the program to make better understanding with the representation.
  • There are the different shapes to shows different meaning in the presentation of program.
  • The flowchart shows the decision of the program and when it takes the decision of the program’s step during compilation.
  • It denotes the different types of instructions using the boxes of different shapes.
  • The boxes statement will be very clear to write in the box and for better understand using with symbol or in a short form statement.
  • It is necessary to write the statement in very good consistency in the box.
  • The main point is to basic understand flowchart is “ The Flowchart is flow of the program in input to process to gives the desire output from the program and get the solution of the problem.”
  • It is mostly the helps the programmer to write a program with better understanding to solve the problem using flowcharts presentations.

Monday, March 15, 2021

what do you understand by the algorithm?

What do you mean by an Algorithm?

There are following points to remember about the algorithm. The points of algorithms are following below:

  • Algorithm is a set of instructions of a program in the form of statement.
  • There are so many statements of their steps of set of instruction in the program.
  • You can express one by one step of the program instructions.
  • Algorithm describes the program and their purpose of the program with how its working for the desire output to gives us.
  • Algorithm also describes the activity of program and their processing.
  • You can also say the procedure of the program tells in the algorithm.
  • You can write algorithms in the form of logical with instructions which is called program.
  • Algorithms are the medium of the human language and computer programing language which is useful for write the program and understand the program respectively.
  • An algorithm is a sequence of points or statement that describes where the program has started and ends up the program with last statement of the program.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

What is the procedure of problem solving in some steps?

How to solve the problem with procedure of some steps?

What is the procedure of problem solving in some steps?

Introduction of problem solving procedure

The problem solving is a step of basic and sequential method procedure to get the result in a pure and accurate form. If the procedure is good but the result is 90 % so that the problem is 10 % remains without accuracy of 100%. It is necessary to determine the result of problem is in the form of 100 percent accuracy.

There are few steps to solve the problem following below:-

  • Consider the problem and make a list of problems.
  • Construct the chart of input and output in a layout design method.
  • Create a programing technique to solve the problem which is called processing system.
  • Now, select an input to test in the processing system which you had created early step.
  • If the result is in the 100 % percent accuracy with your desirable output then your problem will solved.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

The basic model of computation and process of computing the problem in the basic of model of computation

What do you meant by model of computation in terms of fundamental?

The basic model of computation

The basic model is refers to a simple design of a computation process. The computation need necessary when we have a problem to solve them with take some steps in the process of computation. There are some basic steps to solve the problem if we have a problem. Let us take few steps to consider below.

basic model of computation

Steps to solve the basic problem of computation

  • First you can consider how many steps can be implemented in the problem.
  • Observe the steps which are already solved.
  • Then observe the steps which are stuck their forward process.
  • Formulate the problem to solve the step in the process of computation.
  • Apply the formula on the problem to solve.
  • See the output result after apply the formula on the problem in process of computation.

What is computation in the computer system world?

The computation in computer system world points are following below here:

  • The computation is a process that solve the problem given input applied on the computation model to getting output.
  • The computation is model that is used to giving output to the user for future uses in the form of valuable information and database.
  • The computation is process that takes input value to process the input value and make some results which have a value for the user to use another area for their profit.
  • The computation is also detect the problem to solve it and gives th Better result and solution for the end user through the medium such as in the form of machine where machanical or electronic can be used in the computation model.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

What do you mean by programing language?

How do you understand by the programming language?

First to we know about the topic of “How understand by the language?” Or What does a programming language mean?

The language is communication medium of person to person. The people learn the language who developed by the peoples for their communicate system. A simple example is English is a common language to necessary speak for word wide community.

Another basic example is if the student says: “I am a student of Class A”. Then the teacher will understand “he is a student of class A”. In this communication there are two different perspectives between teacher and student conversation.

Student confirm to the teacher by the speaking the English language and said “I am a student of class a”.

And the teacher will confirm that the class of this student is “a”. In this case of computing performance the student gives the instruction to the teacher and teacher compile these instructions understand what the student is said.

Here is the English language is programmed by the peoples who speaks and understand their language. So, it is a language that the combinations of alphabets are the language. Which has their tenses, clause, word meaning etc.

Technically Introduction to programing language in computer system computation?

The programing language is the medium of the computer peripheral devices and human.

It is the communication between the devices to gives the instruction to do their particular program for desirable output. 

The programming language is also do the device can perform their particular tasks.

The programming language compute the programs through the compiler software. 

The interpreters are takes some time in the compilation of the program because the interpreter take one by one or line by line steps to compile the statement in the program.

What is a Program in C Language on a Computer System?

In the C programming language, a program is a set of instructions written in C code that defines the logic and behavior of a software application. A program in C typically consists of functions, variables, control structures (such as loops and conditional statements), and other elements that work together to perform specific tasks when executed.

When a C program is compiled, the source code written by the programmer is translated into machine code that can be understood and executed by the computer’s processor. This machine code carries out the operations specified in the program, interacting with system resources and data to achieve the desired functionality.

C programs are commonly used for various purposes, including system software development, application programming, and embedded systems design. They can range from simple command-line utilities to complex operating systems components or network drivers. Due to its efficiency and low-level capabilities, C is often chosen for tasks that require direct interaction with hardware or high performance.

In C language, a program is a set of instructions that are compiled and executed on a computer system to perform a specific task or set of tasks. A C program consists of:

1. Source code: Written in C language, this is the human-readable form of the program.

2. Compiler: A program like `gcc` that translates the source code into machine code.

3. Object code: The compiled machine code that the computer's processor can execute.

4. Executable file: The object code is packaged into an executable file that can be run on the computer.

When a C program is executed, it:

What is a Program in C Language on a Computer System?,When a C program is executed, it:

1. Loads into memory

2. Executes the instructions sequentially

3. Performs operations, calculations, and interactions with the computer system

4. Produces output or results

5. Terminates when complete

C programs can perform various tasks, such as:

- Data processing and analysis

- System administration and management

- Game development

- Network communication

- Scientific simulations

- Embedded system programming

The program is used to compute the input values and provide the output data using the variables declared their values by the input resources on the application software on the computer system.